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Francis would continue to wander, searching for that voice that had once encountered him. What was he waiting for? He gave up his fancy armor during the crusades, after he heard a voice say, “Whom do you wish to serve, the servant or the Master?” He retreated back to Assisi and waited, daydreaming as he walked the hillside of Mount Subasio (today the Hermitage). Feeling free, he continued to observe nature around him. Overlooking the valley below, he noticed the fields gloriously dressed in orange poppies and golden sunflowers. He saw the olive trees and their glistening silver leaves swaying gently in the breeze as the nightingale sang her lovely song amidst their branches. The beautiful rocks where he laid his head on in the caves eluded an energy that spoke to his innermost spirit. He was one with all of nature.



Francesco continuo a vagare, in cerca della voce che una volta aveva iricontrato. Che cosa aspettava? Lascio l’elaborota armatura quando, durante le crociate, senti una voce che chiedeva: “Chi desideri servire, il servo o il Padrone?” Ritornato ad Assisi, a spetto sognando mentre camminava per i fendu del Monte Subasio (aggi l’ Eremo delle Carceri). Sentendosi libero, continuo ad osservare la natura attorno. Ammirado la vallata, noto i campi vestiti di papaveri arancio e di girasoli dorati. Vido gli ulivi con le luccicanti foglie d’argento che oscillavamo dolcemente nella brezza, mentre l’usignolo cantava melodiosamente tra i rami. Le belle pietre su cui posava il capo nelle grotte emanevano un’energia che parlava al suo spirito. Si sentiva unito con tutta la natura.

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