Francis and Brother Wolf
The town of Gubbio was under attack by a vicious murderous wolf. Francis left Assisi and went to see if he could help. He was warned that the wolf was killing sheep and people. Francis asked God to protect him and went straight to the wolf. The wolf charged with blood filled fangs and stopped at the kneeling Francis. Francis said. “Why are you killing these kind people and God’s creatures of Gubbio?” The wolf replied, “Because God provides me with succulent sheep to eat and people are mean to me.” Francis placed his hands on the wolf and immediately the dog was tamed and now had dog like features. Francis promised him if he no longer killed the people and sheep of Gubbio, the people would feed him when he was hungry.
La cittadina di Gubbio era sotto attacco di un cattivo e feroce lupo. Francesco lasciom Assisi per cercare di aintare. Eu avvisato che il lupo aveva ucciso pecore e persone. Francesco chiese la protezione di Dio e ando dal lupo. Il lupo corse all’assalto con la bocca insanguinata e si fermo daventi a Francesco inginocchiato. Francesco esclamo: “Perche uccidi questa buona gente e le creature di Dio a Gubbio?” “Perche Dio mi procura le saporite pecore e la gente e cottiva con me” rispose il lupo. Francesco mise le mani sul lupo, che immediatamente si ammansi come un cane. Francesco promise che se non avesse pui ucciso gente e pecore, la popolazione di Gubbio lo avrebbe sfamato.