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Francis and Brother Leper



As Francis grew with the light of Jesus, so did his disciples. His first followers were Leone, Bernardo, Juniper, and Massio. As Francis and his brothers wandered in prayer, Francis heard another voice. “Francis, do you love me?” “Yes Father!” Francis replied. Then go embrace your brother the leper. Growing up in the times when lepers were many, Francis’ first instinct was disgust and repulsiveness. But Francis loved God with all his heart. He closed his mind and took the major leap. He embraced the leper and kissed him. Francis turned to his Brothers Minor radiating his ultimate joy to them. As he turned back to embrace the leper, he was no longer standing beside Francis. Was the leper possibly Jesus coming to test Francis? Oh how he must have wept.



Francesco cresceva nella luce di Gesu, cosi pure era per i susi discepoli. I primi seguaci furono: Leone, Bernardo, Juniper, Massio e Padre Silvestro. Mentre Francesco pregava con i susi fratelli, senti una voce: “Francesco, mi ami?” “Si, Padre!” Francesco rispose. “Allora vai e abbraccia tuo fratello lebbroso.” Vivendo in un periodo in cui i lebbrosi erano paracchi, Francesco senti dapprima ripugnanza. Ma Francesco amava Diio con tutte il suo cuore. Scaccio i pensiere e prese lo slancio. Abbraccio e bacio il lebbroso. Ai susi fratelli brillo di gisia suprema. Girandosi per riabbrocciare il lebbroso, il malato era scomparso. Possibile che il lebbroso fosse stato Gesu, venuto a mettere Francesco alla prova? Oh quanto deve avere pianto!

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